Five most common mistakes when renting a car

According to the statistics compiled by the car rental online platform, Latvians rank 20th in terms of the frequency of using car rental services in Europe. Therefore, to make the car rental process simple and understandable, experts at “” have compiled the most common mistakes to avoid when renting a car.

1. Incorrect information in the car rental application

To rent a car, you need to make a reservation, and it is at this stage that people often make mistakes by providing incomplete information. After choosing the most suitable vehicle, it is important to provide accurate driver details and car pick-up information. For example, if the car is to be picked up from the airport, it is necessary to indicate the flight number and arrival time in the reservation application, so the rental company is informed in case the flight is delayed and needs to wait. Additionally, when making a reservation, it is recommended to carefully review what is included in the rental offer to protect yourself from unpleasant situations where expectations do not match reality.

2. Ignoring car rental terms and conditions

Another regularly observed mistake is ignoring the car rental terms and conditions. People often do not pay attention to the terms, resulting in dissatisfaction with the provided service, even though they did not thoroughly understand the agreement terms. It is particularly recommended to pay attention to the terms that regulate the amount of the security deposit, age restrictions, and insurance cases. If planning a trip abroad with a rental car, it is essential to check whether this is permitted under the terms.

3. Not following the instructions for picking up the car

Similar to ignoring the terms of the agreement, people often do not read the instructions that contain information on how to properly pick up the car. It is advisable to pay attention to the list of documents required at pick-up. Frequently, the instructions state that, for example, the name on the driver’s license must match the name on the credit card used for the reservation payment. When picking up the vehicle, it is also advisable to check for any damages or scratches in the presence of the rental company employee. If defects are visible, it is advisable to document them, keeping photos as evidence.

4. Not following the instructions for returning the car

It is important to check the car’s technical condition not only when receiving it but also when returning it. It is recommended to take photo and video documentation, which can protect against dispute resolution. Online car rental platforms also offer the convenient option of returning the car at a different location than where it was picked up. Travelers often forget this aspect and return the car to an incorrect location. When making a car reservation, it is advisable to plan the most convenient return location in advance and indicate it in the application.

5. Not using car rental online platforms

A common mistake travelers make is avoiding the use of car rental brokers and online platforms. In fact, better prices can be obtained through these broker companies, which have special promotional offers from rental companies and other partners. Additionally, customer service, guarantees, and assistance in case of an unforeseen incident are provided.

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According to the statistics compiled by the car rental online platform “,” Latvians rank 20th in terms of the frequency of using car rental services in Europe. Therefore, to make the car rental process simple and understandable, experts at “” have compiled the most common mistakes to avoid when renting a car.


For the majority, 82%, of Latvian residents in leadership positions, the most important criterion when choosing a rental car is the most favorable price. This was determined in a survey of residents commissioned by the company “Booking Group Corporation” and conducted in March of this year.